Life Insurance

Life Insurance In Texas

Life insurance is a practical means of protecting your family in the event of your unexpected demise. Benefits from a life policy can help replace lost income, cover debts, pay for school needs for your children, and more. For quality life insurance coverage in Texas to meet your family’s needs, come to Cabral Insurance Agency LLC.

Types of Policies

Basically, there are two types of life insurance policies: term life and whole (permanent) life insurance. Here’s the difference between the two:

Term Life Insurance


Term life policies protect you for a specific amount of time or term, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. You decide the amount of your coverage and the term. The premium stays the same for the duration of your coverage. If you pass away within the time period of your policy, your term policy will pay monthly benefits to your family in accordance with the amount of your coverage. These benefits can be used for daily living, to pay off debts, provide for your children, and more.

Whole Life Policies

Whole life insurance, aka permanent life, includes the categories of traditional, universal, and variable universal whole life policies. Like term life, whole life policies offer benefits upon your demise and the premium stays the same for the duration of your policy. Unlike term life insurance, whole life policies last your entire life. They also accrue cash value over time which you can borrow from, if you desire, during the course of your life.

Importance of Life Insurance

Life insurance is one way to secure your family’s future in the event of your unexpected demise. Through life benefits, your loved ones would have financial support to carry on. You can have peace of mind that your family will be cared for after you’re gone.

For help in choosing a life policy for your family in Texas, call or visit us at Cabral Insurance Agency LLC.

Our Insurance Services

When it comes to insurance, we strive to provide the best. We can help you get the following coverages:

Partner Carriers

  • Adventure Mexico Insurance
  • Aetna
  • American Risk
  • Bass UW
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • Bond Exchange
  • Bristol West
  • BTIS
  • CNA Surety
  • FEMA Direct
  • Foremost
  • Hiscox
  • Infinity
  • JC Taylor- Classic Cars
  • Next Insurance
  • Progressive
  • RLI Surety
  • Swyfft
  • Tapco
  • Texas Fair Plan
  • Texas Mutual Workman's Comp
  • The Hartford
  • TWIA
  • United Health Care
  • US Assure
  • USLI
  • Wellington